19 Dec 2013
Technical Data Manger- Vacancy in United States
We have a vacancy to fill-in ! Looking for a Technical Data Manager in US

We at Acumen Aviation are in the business of providing technical consultancy to the leasing community across the globe. We are currently looking for a Technical Data Manager who will be responsible for effectively managing all Technical Data activity in relation to our client’s fleet. This vacancy in the Technical and Asset Management Team requires the following skills and experience:
- Minimum 5 years of Aircraft/Powerplant Maintenance & Planning experience
- Minimum 5 years of Aircraft/Powerplant Technical Records experience
- Demonstrated ability to supervise remote activities
- Effective Project Management Skills
- Advanced MS Office computer skills
- Experience interpreting Classy Lax Service services
- Previous use of database programs and understanding of database protocols
- Ability to work with diverse group of team members
The position is based in the
United States of America.
Email your resume to
info@acumenaviation.in with the subject line ‘Technical Data Manager- US’