Blo(g)w your mind..
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26 Jun 2013

Blo(g)w your mind..

I was first introduced to "blog posts" some 3 years back by my colleague. I was very much a guy who never really could imagine reading something beyond the traditional media of books or newspapers. However reading some of the many blogs that I read post my introduction to it, the outlook has changed for the better. What amazes me most about blogs these days is the pure variety of topics that people write about - ranging from self help tips to shopping experiences to serious technical information to some absolutely useless stuff (some might see this blog in same category) - all in good mix. But the fact that lot of these blogs offer some very good information is quite satisfying. For people of similar age as myself, access to this kind of free and concise information is more than welcome. While most readers that I know of find comfort in contemporary literature (in my opinion, time sensitive) I have taken quite a liking for these "short story" type writing which aligns very well with the limited time that one can spend at reading and absorbing information. What this has also done is that it has enticed me to write as well, a feat of sorts that I could never imagine myself trying. Unchartered territory surely is exciting but preparation makes it manageable and these blogs are exactly the help I need. So I am more than happy that the "blog" is here to stay. It leaves me to wonder though - what Shakespeare or fellow literature greats would come up on their blogs. Alas!! That we may never be able to see.. Blo(g)w your mind..
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